Thursday, July 22, 2010

The verdict is in

As you know, on Tuesday I did yoga and then rode my bike. It was an exhausting workout that burned lots of calories. My legs felt like lead afterwards and I was drained for the rest of the day.

Today I did my ride before yoga to see how my legs fared. They're still tired and I'm steal beat. I rode a total of 19 miles today. I noticed that I rode stronger on fresh legs, and the yoga was bit more forgiving for the second half of my workout.

So...when the schedule allows me to, I'll be biking first and yoga second. If my legs give out on me in yoga I'll just fall over on to my mat. If my legs give out on me on my bike I'll fall over on the road an get run over. Yoga mat is the winner!


  1. So, I've just found your blog Risha. I love it. I've just started running after putting swim on pause for a while. It's been a tough battle for me, but I am starting to enjoy it. I've been running for about 2 months now and starting to feel it come into place. I've been thinking about where my mix of running and swimming might take me and have thought about making a triathlon a goal of mine. I'm enjoying reading about your journey and I'm finding it inspiring. Thank you!

  2. Yay Jess!!! So glad that the blog is offering up some bit of help to anyone who is willing to read it. From the research and reading that I've done, it seems that people with a strong swimming background can really have an advantage.

    I've enjoyed mixing up the training and have noticed results quickly. I think you would be great at whatever you put your heart into!
