Friday, July 16, 2010

Rebel yell

WOW!  I went for a 5 mile run with multiple hills mixed in and it was rough.  My training program has only just started this week and my body is already rebelling.  I haven't worked out 6 days straight in months and it's taking it's toll already!  I'm tired and my legs hate me. 

I guess I have to break it to them (my legs) that we haven't even started the real training yet.  Bring on more runs and 2 days of circuits mixed in.  ...she cried, more, more, more!

These "strings" are not playing my tune.

Holy tight hamstrings, BATMAN!  I went to my third Vinyasa Flow yoga class yesterday and I really love it.  I just don't know if my hamstrings and calves will ever open up and stretch out.  I can't even get my heels to touch the floor in the downward dog position. 

I know yoga will help tremendously with the training I'm doing; to help balance, strengthen and ground me.  Here's my little prayer to the yoga gods,  "Please just make me stretchy and bendy so that I don't look like such a dork when I try to touch my toes."  "I would also like to have killer arms like Madonna, just without the fake British accent, thank you."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Weight a minute

Oh the shame.  Putting this out on the world wide web for all to see.... Honestly, I'm not really bothered by it.  I figure if you're following my blog the least I can be is honest with you.  So here goes! My current weight is 151 lbs.  Last year when I was training for my first 1/2 marathon I had lost 14 lbs.  It's amazing how the weight likes to creep back up on you when you lay dormant for 4 months. 

I try to not let the scale dictate my self worth and know that it is a fickle bathroom appliance.  I also know that muscle is taking up a large percentage of my current weight.  However, I keep all my earned weight/fat in my torso.  I'm excited to see the inevitable changes that will be taking place as I move toward the finish line. 

I've stopped trying to work towards an ideal weight goal.  We all know where that gets us.  Weeping on the bathroom floor next to a smashed up scale screaming, "WHY?!" Okay, too much?

I just want to look and feel strong and healthy.  I also know the lighter I am the more efficient I'll be.

Would I be upset if I gained six pack abs in the process?  Of course not, but I'm not looking to take on Tammy Lee Web anytime soon.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yeeeeaaaahh, I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday...

Training six days a week should be interesting.  Here's the basic training schedule.  I will add what I specifically do as I get further into it.

Monday-      Run 4.5 to 8 miles, Circuit training at the gym

Tuesday-      Ride bike to yoga, Vinyasa flow yoga for 1:15, Ride bike for 2-10 miles

Wednesday- Open water swimming at the lagoons

Thursday-     Ride bike to yoga, Vinyasa flow yoga for 1:15, Ride bike for 2-10 miles

Friday-         Run 4.5 to 8 miles, Circuit training at gym

Saturday-     Swim either open water or pool

Sunday-       Rest

I know you're jealous... 

It's a date!

I don't know how it escaped my attention that I forgot to let you know when the big day/days are. 

My first triathlon will be Tag the World Celebrity Triathlon on, August 22nd, in Waikiki.  Yes, this gives me six weeks to train.  Six stinking weeks.  I know I can do each event individually, it's the doing it all in a row thing that makes me nervous. 

Oh, I should also mention that while I'm training for the tri I also have another 1/2 marathon the following month in Maui. 

...and I have my second tri the month after that (October).  This one will be real interesting because the participants will be swim/run/swimming across 4 lagoons.  That means you have to swim across one lagoon, run up hill on the beach and run back down the beach and into the next lagoon...four times!  Then get on a bike, ride 13 miles and run a 5K. What fool thought this would be fun to make people do? A masochist that's who!  I guess the egg is on my face and everyone else's face who actually pays good money to do it.  Welcome to the world of triathlons. 

I could have gorged myself on top quality sushi for a week with the small fortune I shelled out for these races.  The sense of accomplishment better be just as fulfilling as a stomach full of raw fish. 

I fall down and go boom

I tend to think that I have fairly good control over my center of gravity.  That all changes when you're bound as one to your bike.  After purchasing my new pedal and shoes I went over to my friend's house (she and her husband have several tri's under their belts) so that they could be installed, and I could get a quick lesson as to how to clip my foot on the pedal and how to release them quickly when I need to stop.

They were both very helpful and gave very simple instructions.  "Clip one foot in, get some momentum, and then click your other foot in".  "When you want to release your foot twist the heel outwards and you'll be free".  EASY! 

I stand there and click my right foot in.  Got it!  Then instead of moving down towards the street I think it's a great idea to clip my left foot in.  Without moving.  It was as if it happened in slow motion.  I click myself in and fall completely over onto my right side with both feet firmly attached to the pedals.  Excellent!

Last pieces of the puzzle

I've been saying for YEARS that I wanted to do triathlons...but I couldn't run.  From a bear or a leaping frog (total fear of frogs- I know it's weird) I could run like the wind; however, I lacked the necessary skills to run further than that slimy mucus covered thing could leap.  Trust me, in my dreams those suckers have wings and red beady eyes.  Sorry, back to the point.  I've established that I can finally consider myself an intermediate runner but I was missing one very important piece of equipment that all serious triathletes have....a bike! 

I agonized over which bike to get, did I really want to spend that much money, could I get away competing with my 4 year old daughter's Diamondback?  I finally decided on this little beauty:
It's a Specialized Dolce Sport, blah,blah, blah.  The frame is 44 cm and it really does look as if my 4 year old daughter could ride the thing.  It's shiny and new and all mine.  I considered not taking the plastic off that lovely white seat and realized how impractical that was.  Imagine the rash after that?! 

I took my new gadget for a spin with a good friend of mine and she highly recommended I get  bike shoes and clipless pedals. 

It helps transfer the energy more efficiently and instead of only using your quads to push the pedals down and around, being attached to the pedal allows you to use your hamstrings to pull the pedal up.  If it will make me faster and save my legs for the run then heck yeah, I'll get some!

I decided on getting a pair of Specialized mountain bike shoes and Shimano M540 mountain bike clipless pedals. 

My daughter was very insistent that I get these shoes because they were pretty.  She secretly wishes they were Twinkle Toes and that I ride my bike with pink sparkling streamers on the handles.  The final pieces are finally falling into place. 

It started like this...

I know you're super excited to hear about what led up to the moment that I hit "submit" on my online registration, right?  Okay, not that exciting but just a bit of background.  I swam competitively for many years: through elementary school, high school, and college.  I was a sprinter, and in reality still am.  I've got a sprinters body: short, compact and muscular.  My husband refers to it as "Umpa Lumpa-ish".  He loves me, he really loves me. 

Being a type A personality, I felt the need to try and conquer running.  Why...I don't really know.  It was something that I could step outside my door and do without a gym membership or babysitting issues.  Within 6 months I went from running only a mile to doing my first 1/2 marathon.  Over achiever you might ask?  Nope, just stubborn and slightly foolish.

Don't I look dork-a-licious?

Seeing that I had at least learned to pace myself and endure some distance (without keeling over in death) I knew it was time to reach for the stars.  Alright, not the stars but a celebrity triathlon!  Insert wink here. So, that's it in a nutshell.  I used to be a swimmer, now I guess I'm a runner with swimming in my proverbial closet, and I'm moving up in the world to triathlete.  Exciting isn't it?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

E como mai

Aloha, and welcome to my very first blog! Please save the spank on the butt, reserved and usually only accepted for newborns, as I am a newbie both to the triathlon and blogger world. So, like everything else I do in life- let's jump right into it with both feet!