Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I fall down and go boom

I tend to think that I have fairly good control over my center of gravity.  That all changes when you're bound as one to your bike.  After purchasing my new pedal and shoes I went over to my friend's house (she and her husband have several tri's under their belts) so that they could be installed, and I could get a quick lesson as to how to clip my foot on the pedal and how to release them quickly when I need to stop.

They were both very helpful and gave very simple instructions.  "Clip one foot in, get some momentum, and then click your other foot in".  "When you want to release your foot twist the heel outwards and you'll be free".  EASY! 

I stand there and click my right foot in.  Got it!  Then instead of moving down towards the street I think it's a great idea to clip my left foot in.  Without moving.  It was as if it happened in slow motion.  I click myself in and fall completely over onto my right side with both feet firmly attached to the pedals.  Excellent!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was there to have seen it!!! That's def one for the books!!
