Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It started like this...

I know you're super excited to hear about what led up to the moment that I hit "submit" on my online registration, right?  Okay, not that exciting but just a bit of background.  I swam competitively for many years: through elementary school, high school, and college.  I was a sprinter, and in reality still am.  I've got a sprinters body: short, compact and muscular.  My husband refers to it as "Umpa Lumpa-ish".  He loves me, he really loves me. 

Being a type A personality, I felt the need to try and conquer running.  Why...I don't really know.  It was something that I could step outside my door and do without a gym membership or babysitting issues.  Within 6 months I went from running only a mile to doing my first 1/2 marathon.  Over achiever you might ask?  Nope, just stubborn and slightly foolish.

Don't I look dork-a-licious?

Seeing that I had at least learned to pace myself and endure some distance (without keeling over in death) I knew it was time to reach for the stars.  Alright, not the stars but a celebrity triathlon!  Insert wink here. So, that's it in a nutshell.  I used to be a swimmer, now I guess I'm a runner with swimming in my proverbial closet, and I'm moving up in the world to triathlete.  Exciting isn't it?


  1. You should be so, so very proud of how far you have come. You are def my inspiration little lady!!
