Thursday, July 22, 2010

The verdict is in

As you know, on Tuesday I did yoga and then rode my bike. It was an exhausting workout that burned lots of calories. My legs felt like lead afterwards and I was drained for the rest of the day.

Today I did my ride before yoga to see how my legs fared. They're still tired and I'm steal beat. I rode a total of 19 miles today. I noticed that I rode stronger on fresh legs, and the yoga was bit more forgiving for the second half of my workout.

So...when the schedule allows me to, I'll be biking first and yoga second. If my legs give out on me in yoga I'll just fall over on to my mat. If my legs give out on me on my bike I'll fall over on the road an get run over. Yoga mat is the winner!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lagoon swims

I'm not sure how I feel about the lagoon swims.  I don't feel like I'm pushing myself as hard as I should be.  I would much rather be in a pool where I tend to swim faster, longer, and straighter!  I'm trying to avoid the lure of swimming in a crisp clear pool because I know the triathlons will be taking place in open water.  Makes sense to practice in the lagoons and ocean, but my mind keeps drifting to the comfort of lane lines and predetermined yards.  

Today I used hand paddles to focus on my stroke and a pull buoy to save my legs.  A pull buoy is a sculpted piece of Styrofoam that you place between your legs, and you use your upper thighs to told it in place.  This stops you from using your legs to kick and keeps them buoyant so that they are not dragging/sinking behind you. 

I think it's time to step up the swim workouts and not get distracted by the pretty fish swimming by. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oh my aching...

...legs.  What did you think I was about to say? 

Road the bike to yoga and decided to be double dorky; two for Tuesday, right?!  I had my yoga shorts on under my bike shorts.  I felt like a marshmallow being sucked through a straw.  Either that or a new form of Korean style bratwurst.  Let's just say that I was thankful to take one of the layers off for yoga. 

Today I noticed that my heels went down just a hair closer to the floor in the downward dog position.  The yoga gods must have been listening to my prayers.  I'm also thankful that it wasn't a hard leg workout today too seeing that I had a bike ride scheduled right after.

From yoga I decided to ride up to one of my favorite Pho restaurants and grab some lunch.  Nothing like a great bowl of soup to motivate you to ride your bike after 1.15 hours of yoga.  Filled my belly up and road back home.  15 miles in all and over 1400 calories burned this morning. 

Food for thought

I've never been a believer in fad diets or quick fixes.  Mail order food and diet supplements only mask the problem people have as to how to eat properly.  In my opinion, I think they're a form of cheating yourself.  "Winners never cheat, and cheaters never win."  I know it's kind of a Grandma-ish/lame saying, but the basis of it is true.  If you do the quick fix; you might look great for a short time- but at what price?  Usually all the weight comes flooding back once you are off the specialized food or diet pill, plus some!

Anyway, I'm rambling because I've been thinking about what I'm eating, how often, and how much.  Now that most days I'm doing dual workouts I'm burning so many calories that I can't seem to consume enough to keep up.  The workouts are making me crave healthier choices for meals and snacks.  Almonds, apples, grapes, cheese, boiled eggs are now my snacks of choice. 

So many running and triathlon websites get so technical about the percentages of fat/protein/carbs to body proportion and which way the wind might be blowing.  Too much thinking for me.  I'm preferring the simple approach- eat healthy, eat often, and having beer and wine is okay!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Run & Circuit training

After months away from the gym- I finally made an appearance.  I was wondering if it would be similar to a practicing Catholic who hasn't gone to church in ages?  Thankfully, the roof didn't cave in and I was not struck down by an angry Senior Citizen wanting the treadmill I was on. 

Speaking of the dread-mill...I logged in 5 miles on it before starting the circuit workout.  I really, really, really, hate the damn thing.  Can I look up and watch the very boring TV show that is playing on the gym's television?  Nope.  If I do I'll run right off the side of the bloody thing.  I can only look straight ahead if I don't want to be zig-zagging all over the place.  It's very similar to my problem with looking over at something when I'm driving my car.  Why the steering wheel has to follow my line of vision is still a mystery. 

Anyone want to go for a drive?!


Yesterday was my day off for some rest and recovery.  It was actually pretty strange not having swim/bike/run/ or yoga scheduled.  That one day off really did help recharge the batteries and slow down the mind. 

How did I spend my day?  Oh, I went with my family to the North Shore and met my friend, Erica, and her son for breakfast.  Then we headed over to Shark's Cove (happy to report I have not seen any sharks there) and did a little snorkeling. 

When we came home the kids went upstairs and played; while I sat on the couch for an hour and watched a show on Discovery.  I had to fight off feeling guilty about not doing anything.  How sad is that?!  Those of you that know me well, know how hard it is for me to sit still and not pop up to get/do something every few minutes.  I probably make them anxious.  Good thing I'm self-centered or that would bother me.  Hahaha!!!  I'm just kidding. 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Biker gang

Yesterday I went for a group bike ride with my friends: Aimee, Sarah, Lisa, and her friend, Tarah.  Rode 15 miles around Ko Olina and broke in my new bike shorts.  Wearing them takes the same level of confidence that a competitive male swimmer has when he wears his Speedo.  I felt like I had a target on my butt that read "Look here!"  That all disappeared when my hiney sat on my uncomfortable, aerodynamic bike seat. 

The ride itself was great! It was a fairly easy ride with one long, low hill and one steeper one (we did them 3 times).  I really need to work on my hills.  I'm pretty wimpy about my legs feeling the burn.  I tend to store a lot of lactic acid in them and can cramp up easily.  I don't think I was even close to that happening, but I was a little hesitant about pushing it too much.  Especially, seeing I had been working my legs for the past 7 days. 

I'm looking forward to my next ride with these wonderful ladies.