Thursday, July 29, 2010

From Tri to Bi

Well, my first triathlon has magically become a biathlon.  Tag the World founder, Robert Parks-Valleta, called each participant to explain what happened.  From what I understand the city of Honolulu told the coordinators that they were not allowed to have an organized/timed bike ride that weekend.  Why things changed I have no idea.  You would think this would have been all set in stone prior to promoting the race. All I know is that I better see some celebrity booty swimming and running! 

So, now I will be swimming 700 meters and running the optional 10K (instead of the 5K).  There will be an organized, "unorganized" bike ride after the run.  However, it will not be timed and will not count towards where you place upon finishing.  If it doesn't count I'm not doing it.  So there!

I'm a little disappointed; however, I'm also a little relieved too.  One less event means one less thing to worry about.  I'm still training as if it were a tri and I figure I'll just be a head of the game when October rolls around. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Burn baby, burn!

It is pretty amazing, when you stop and look at the numbers, to see just how many calories can be burned.  Four days a week I do double workouts of either run/circuit or bike/yoga.  On those days I burn an average of 1000 to 1400 calories.  My two swim days I burn approximately 500 calories (I must be slacking- ha).  Last week a total 5,045 calories were burned! 

This is certainly was not standard for me; however, neither was this workout schedule prior to my commitment to training.  Here's what really gets me... for four months I didn't exercise and burned very minimal calories.  How the heck I didn't double my size is beyond me.  I wasn't eating as much as I am now, but I also wasn't eating as healthy. 

So the moral of this story is- pay attention to what you feed your body and keep moving.  You'll feel better, look better, and stay healthier.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The argument for cloning

I've decided that this lady is now me.  She's my avatar and I'm pretty disappointed that she's running around in my body, pretending to be someone else.  Who does she think she is?!?

These legs were made for?

I guess they were made for kicking, running, biking, weight lifting, and yoga!  They're tired, but not as tired as last week.  This is good news because that means they're getting stronger and can handle the wear and tear of training. 

I have muscular legs and I'm getting a little concerned that they will turn into a version of Popeye's arms.  There's a line between strong and sexy or thick and masculine.  I've seen ladies who have "man legs"; trust me it's not pretty.  I guess I'll get what I get and not complain.

At least they get me from place to place and hopefully, it will be faster and faster.

Will power over brain power

"I know I can, I know I can, I know I can."  I had to say that over and over to myself during my run yesterday.  To get some appropriate mileage in, I have decided that I will run to the gym and beyond before circuit training.  This is hard on legs that have been used and abused just about all week long.

The run to the gym was shorter, hotter, and not as safe as I had intended.  There really isn't a shoulder on the road to run on so that was my last run to the gym.  I did get there and hop right onto a treadmill though, and ran another 3 miles.  Then did 40 minutes of circuit training.