Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Will power over brain power

"I know I can, I know I can, I know I can."  I had to say that over and over to myself during my run yesterday.  To get some appropriate mileage in, I have decided that I will run to the gym and beyond before circuit training.  This is hard on legs that have been used and abused just about all week long.

The run to the gym was shorter, hotter, and not as safe as I had intended.  There really isn't a shoulder on the road to run on so that was my last run to the gym.  I did get there and hop right onto a treadmill though, and ran another 3 miles.  Then did 40 minutes of circuit training. 


  1. Shouldn't I be like a size 2 by now? Oh wait, it's only been 2 1/2 weeks. =)
