Thursday, September 9, 2010

1/2 the distance, twice the fun!

1/2 marathon in Maui in just over a week!  The race was in the back of my mind the whole time I was doing my triathlon training.  Knowing that I would have to start increasing my 6 mile runs every week weighed a little heavy on my mind.  I really wasn't giving myself a lot of time to fully prepare for the race. 

I did my first 1/2 last year and followed a much more structured training plan. I had more miles on my legs by this point in my training.  My hope is that for this one, even though I haven't been running as many miles each week, with the cross training my legs are stronger.  So far this theory is holding up. 

The first jump in mileage went up to 8 miles.  In the past 8 miles has been kind to me.  I liked that distance and my body responded well to it.  Not this 8 miles.  This 8 miles was tough; shockingly tough.  All I could think was "I'm in trouble".  The next week I needed to do 10 miles.  This time I got up extra early and was out the door by 6:00 am.  What a world of difference.  I ended up running almost 11 miles and could have kept going.  Phew!  Yesterday I did 12 miles and it was another tough one.  However, I didn't get out and running until after 8:30.  The late start and the heat really takes a toll on how effective a run you have.  At least that's what I believe.  I completed my run, but I had to dig down deep at mile 9 to keep running 3 more miles. 

So, the rest of the time I get to scale back.  Perhaps another 8 mile run and a couple 4 mile ones thrown in.  Don't tell anyone that I've been bad and haven't done any hill work.  I specifically picked the Maui race for its flat course and because it travels along the coast line.  If you have to be running for at least 2 hours straight you might as well have something pretty to look at.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

Sorry I haven't updated you regarding the race.  I'll start with the bad and end with the good.  I tend to think that it's the best way to do things. 

  1. It was the worst organized event I have ever been a part of.  The right hand definitely did NOT know what the left hand was doing.
  2. Nothing was computerized.  Not even the registrations to differentiate who did the 5K run and who did the 10K run.
  3. We did not have timing chips.  So we have no idea what our official time was in either the swim, run, and both combined.
  4. They started giving out awards to the overall winner of the race.  Ummm...duh.  There can't be an overall winner because if you ran a 5K of course you will finish before the person that did the 10K.
  5. The 10K wasn't even measured out properly and was short by an entire mile!  Also, what was supposed to be a road race course was changed to cross-country.
  6. They did rock, paper, scissors for prizes instead of just picking out bib numbers
  7. They still do not have final results! 
Here are my reason why I LOVED the race.

  1. The swim!  Even though the directions were horrible and the tide was ultra low, it was so exciting to be a part of.
  2. I was the third overall woman out of the water!  At this point things were not screwed up so I really WAS the third woman out.  As you can tell I'm pretty pumped about this.
  3. I beat Jake (The Bachelor) in the swim.  Oh, and even though he's supposed to be a douche he was pretty hot.
  4. I loved the combination of events and challenging yourself.
  5. I came in first in my age group for the 10K run.  However, I think I was the ONLY female in my age group to do the 10K run.  Hahaha!!!!!
  6. I can not wait for my first real triathlon.
So, there you have it.  I've been so late in writing this because I had hoped to have some official results.  I don't believe that I will ever see them.  Completely lame seeing I paid $100 for the race and couldn't get any of my money back because it was a charity event.  Sorry homeless children.  If the organizers had their act together I'd be willing to donate my money and time next year.  Just isn't going to happen.