Monday, July 19, 2010

Run & Circuit training

After months away from the gym- I finally made an appearance.  I was wondering if it would be similar to a practicing Catholic who hasn't gone to church in ages?  Thankfully, the roof didn't cave in and I was not struck down by an angry Senior Citizen wanting the treadmill I was on. 

Speaking of the dread-mill...I logged in 5 miles on it before starting the circuit workout.  I really, really, really, hate the damn thing.  Can I look up and watch the very boring TV show that is playing on the gym's television?  Nope.  If I do I'll run right off the side of the bloody thing.  I can only look straight ahead if I don't want to be zig-zagging all over the place.  It's very similar to my problem with looking over at something when I'm driving my car.  Why the steering wheel has to follow my line of vision is still a mystery. 

Anyone want to go for a drive?!

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