Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lagoon swims

I'm not sure how I feel about the lagoon swims.  I don't feel like I'm pushing myself as hard as I should be.  I would much rather be in a pool where I tend to swim faster, longer, and straighter!  I'm trying to avoid the lure of swimming in a crisp clear pool because I know the triathlons will be taking place in open water.  Makes sense to practice in the lagoons and ocean, but my mind keeps drifting to the comfort of lane lines and predetermined yards.  

Today I used hand paddles to focus on my stroke and a pull buoy to save my legs.  A pull buoy is a sculpted piece of Styrofoam that you place between your legs, and you use your upper thighs to told it in place.  This stops you from using your legs to kick and keeps them buoyant so that they are not dragging/sinking behind you. 

I think it's time to step up the swim workouts and not get distracted by the pretty fish swimming by. 

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