Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Food for thought

I've never been a believer in fad diets or quick fixes.  Mail order food and diet supplements only mask the problem people have as to how to eat properly.  In my opinion, I think they're a form of cheating yourself.  "Winners never cheat, and cheaters never win."  I know it's kind of a Grandma-ish/lame saying, but the basis of it is true.  If you do the quick fix; you might look great for a short time- but at what price?  Usually all the weight comes flooding back once you are off the specialized food or diet pill, plus some!

Anyway, I'm rambling because I've been thinking about what I'm eating, how often, and how much.  Now that most days I'm doing dual workouts I'm burning so many calories that I can't seem to consume enough to keep up.  The workouts are making me crave healthier choices for meals and snacks.  Almonds, apples, grapes, cheese, boiled eggs are now my snacks of choice. 

So many running and triathlon websites get so technical about the percentages of fat/protein/carbs to body proportion and which way the wind might be blowing.  Too much thinking for me.  I'm preferring the simple approach- eat healthy, eat often, and having beer and wine is okay!

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