Thursday, July 15, 2010

Weight a minute

Oh the shame.  Putting this out on the world wide web for all to see.... Honestly, I'm not really bothered by it.  I figure if you're following my blog the least I can be is honest with you.  So here goes! My current weight is 151 lbs.  Last year when I was training for my first 1/2 marathon I had lost 14 lbs.  It's amazing how the weight likes to creep back up on you when you lay dormant for 4 months. 

I try to not let the scale dictate my self worth and know that it is a fickle bathroom appliance.  I also know that muscle is taking up a large percentage of my current weight.  However, I keep all my earned weight/fat in my torso.  I'm excited to see the inevitable changes that will be taking place as I move toward the finish line. 

I've stopped trying to work towards an ideal weight goal.  We all know where that gets us.  Weeping on the bathroom floor next to a smashed up scale screaming, "WHY?!" Okay, too much?

I just want to look and feel strong and healthy.  I also know the lighter I am the more efficient I'll be.

Would I be upset if I gained six pack abs in the process?  Of course not, but I'm not looking to take on Tammy Lee Web anytime soon.

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