Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's a date!

I don't know how it escaped my attention that I forgot to let you know when the big day/days are. 

My first triathlon will be Tag the World Celebrity Triathlon on, August 22nd, in Waikiki.  Yes, this gives me six weeks to train.  Six stinking weeks.  I know I can do each event individually, it's the doing it all in a row thing that makes me nervous. 

Oh, I should also mention that while I'm training for the tri I also have another 1/2 marathon the following month in Maui. 

...and I have my second tri the month after that (October).  This one will be real interesting because the participants will be swim/run/swimming across 4 lagoons.  That means you have to swim across one lagoon, run up hill on the beach and run back down the beach and into the next lagoon...four times!  Then get on a bike, ride 13 miles and run a 5K. What fool thought this would be fun to make people do? A masochist that's who!  I guess the egg is on my face and everyone else's face who actually pays good money to do it.  Welcome to the world of triathlons. 

I could have gorged myself on top quality sushi for a week with the small fortune I shelled out for these races.  The sense of accomplishment better be just as fulfilling as a stomach full of raw fish. 

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to see you (and the celebrities) cross that finish line!! Hey I'm your water girl, right? ps You're accomplishment is going to be the best feeling in the world and maybe I can take you out for some raw fish!!!!
