Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Will the real Risha please step forward

I've been posting about my training and weight loss for a while now and I've certainly been able to share my results with everyone.  It's a good feeling to get stronger, leaner, build more muscle mass, and watch the scale go down. 

I think for many of my friends they would say that I don't need to lose any more weight.  Which, is very sweet and perhaps true.  How much weight do I need to lose?!  Honestly, I don't need to lose at all.  I want to.

I want to get back to what my average weight was: 125-127 lbs.  I'm only 5"2 so it really isn't an extremely low number.  I just think people have been so used to seeing me at my heaviest that my average might seem too far in the other direction. 

I have promised myself that I will not beat myself up over the numbers on the scale.  I'm working to be healthier and lose the spare tire that seemed to have claimed residency the past 5 years.  I don't know if I'll get to the "target" goal and it really is alright if I don't.  I just want to let everyone know that I'm really not crazy or obsessed.  I just want the inside me to match the outside me.   =)

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