Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Plateaus are a thing of beauty...if you're looking at a naturally formed rock structure.  Not so much when you're looking at the numbers on the scale.  I knew I would hit it; it was inevitable.  I really can't complain because I got stuck at 136 lbs for 3 weeks and not months.  However, with the scale showing results pretty quickly it was a little frustrating seeing the number looking back at me in all it's green LCD glory. 

I looked up several articles about weight loss plateaus and how to step off of them.  Most recommended changing up your workout routine.  Ummmm...I really can't change it up more than what I'm doing right now.  Here was the shocker and what put a HUGE smile on my face.  It said that your body gets used to the amount of calories you consume.  So even if you've limited your calorie intake your body will get used to that amount and level off in the weight loss department. 

I consume an average of 1200-1400 calories a day and I burn between 800-1500 calories each workout.  I've been pretty religious in both areas.  What the articles suggested were to consume more calories, than normal, one day and on a different day consume less.  It tricks the body out of auto pilot and gets it back on track.  I can do this!  I think I like the days that I get to consume a few more calories! 

I took advantage of this and finally I lost one more pound.  Hello 135.  I like you, but I don't like you THAT much.  If you decide to make room for one of your smaller cousins I'd be happy to say Aloha! 

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